Huffington Post

Trump Associate Tried To Coordinate With Moscow So “Our Boy Can Become President”

Suspicious ties between President Donald Trump and the Russian government just keep appearing. In 2015, a Russian-born real estate broker working for the Trump Organization, Felix Sater, reportedly wrote a series of emails to Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer, attempting to broker a deal for a Trump Tower in Moscow. Those emails, obtained by The New […]


Conservatives Angling To Fire Mueller Due To His Investigation Of Trump

Jeff Sessions will likely continue to lead the Department of Justice, despite the public clash between President Donald Trump and his choice for attorney general. But Trump’s frustration with the direction of the Russian probe and the special prosecutor are understandable, said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group. “Sessions should un-recuse […]

Anne-Marie Caruso/

Conway Implies Obama Did More Than Wiretap Trump Campaign

ALPINE, N.J. — The White House is offering yet another wrinkle in its attempt to support President Trump’s allegation — unfounded, so far — that his campaign headquarters in Manhattan was wiretapped by the Obama administration. The latest comes from Trump’s senior counselor Kellyanne Conway. She says the “surveillance” may be broader than even Trump suggested. In […]

Obama Denies Wire Tapping Trump

U.S. President Donald Trump accused predecessor Barack Obama on Saturday of wiretapping him during the late stages of the 2016 election campaign, but offered no evidence for an allegation which an Obama spokesman said was “simply false”. Trump made the accusation in a series of early morning tweets just weeks into his administration and amid […]

Michael Reynolds, EPA

Trump Says Obama Wire Tapped Him

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s explosive and unsubstantiated claim Saturday that then-President Obama wiretapped his phones before the November election broke new ground in terms of a president publicly assailing a predecessor and left observers and lawmakers seeking a more expansive explanation than Trump’s string of tweets. “In the past, presidents have privately muttered accusations against their predecessors,” […]

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