Guiellermo Arias, Agence France-Presse- Getty Images

Memos Show Trump Making Effort To Expel More Immigrants

WASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday released a set of documents translating President Trump’s executive orders on immigration and border security into policy, bringing a major shift in the way the agency enforces the nation’s immigration laws. Under the Obama administration, undocumented immigrants convicted of serious crimes were the priority for removal. […]

George Tames, The New York Times

Trump’s Approval Rating Continues To Fall

The most recent Gallup survey, the first conducted entirely after the resignation of Michael Flynn as national security adviser, has Mr. Trump’s approval rating down to 38 percent, with 56 percent disapproving (a differential of minus 18). Mr. Trump’s ratings aren’t just bad for an incoming president. They’re bad for a president at any point […]

Nikolsky/Sputnik/Kremlin Pool via EPA and / Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Russia May Return Snowden To The United States

U.S. intelligence has collected information that Russia is considering turning over Edward Snowden as a “gift” to President Donald Trump — who has called the NSA leaker a “spy” and a “traitor” who deserves to be executed. That’s according to a senior U.S. official who has analyzed a series of highly sensitive intelligence reports detailing […]


Trump’s Travel Ban Options After Latest Legal Setback

1. Go to Supreme Court The administration could appeal directly to the Supreme Court. That could be a difficult road, however, as the court remains short one justice and deadlocked 4-4 between conservatives and liberals. With Trump’s nominee to fill the vacant ninth seat, Neil Gorsuch, just beginning a lengthy confirmation process, the high court could decide not […]

Uncredited, AP

Iran’s Supreme Leader Mocks Trump

Iran’s supreme leader mocked President Trump on Tuesday, thanking “Mr. Newcomer” for revealing “the real face” of human rights with his contentious executive order that would ban citizens from Iran and six other nations from entering the United States. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in an address to Iranian military commanders posted on his website, also scoffed at […]