NBC News

Trump “Dirty Rotten Traitor” Comments May Have Affected Bergdahl’s Due Process

A military judge called President Donald Trump’s scathing campaign-trail criticism of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl “disturbing” on Monday and questioned whether it would make the public think the soldier can’t get a fair trial for walking off his post in Afghanistan in 2009. During a pretrial hearing at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, defense attorneys played […]

Huffington Post

Deporting Immigrants Prevents Crime Says Trump Administration

White House policy director Stephen Miller on Sunday expanded the goals of President Donald Trump’s controversial immigration executive order, saying it would “prevent crime before it happens” by deporting undocumented immigrants deemed to “pose a threat to public safety.” The statement was reminiscent of the plot of “Minority Report,” a film set in a dystopian future […]

Boston Globe via Getty Images

Washington State Sues To Halt Trump’s Immigration Ban

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The state of Washington will challenge U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive order banning immigration from some Muslim-majority states in federal court, Attorney General Bob Ferguson said on Monday. Washington will be the first state to take on the executive order that went into effect on Friday, heightening the legal stakes surrounding […]