Fox News

CIA Chief Says Foreign Meddling In 2018 Elections Is Concerning

WASHINGTON –  CIA Director Mike Pompeo (pahm-PAY’-oh) says he’s concerned about continued efforts by Russia and others to undermine American elections, including this year’s contests, but says such meddling isn’t new. Pompeo tells CBS’ “Face the Nation” that there are “many foes who want to undermine Western democracy.” He says there’s “this Washington-based focus on […]

Brendan Smialowski / AFP - Getty Images

Sessions To Enforce Federal Law In Legal Marijuana States

Attorney General Jeff Sessions gave U.S. attorneys the green light Thursday to aggressively enforce federal laws against marijuana — even in states where pot is legal. In doing so, Sessions reversed an Obama administration policy that shielded legalized marijuana from federal intervention and enabled the pot industry to flourish. “The previous issuance of guidance undermines […]