Huffington Post

Trump Wants Obama To Be Investigated For Role In Clinton Scandal

DORAL, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday that President Barack Obama must be investigated over a private email server Hillary Clinton used while secretary of state, saying Obama “knew all about” her email arrangements. “That’s why he stuck up for Hillary, because he didn’t want to be dragged in. […]

The Telegraph

Trump Offering Foreign Donors Political Access to Whitehouse

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is facing a fundraising scandal after a Telegraph investigation exposed how key supporters were prepared to accept illicit donations from foreign backers. Senior figures involved with the Great America PAC, one of the leading “independent” groups organising television advertisements and grassroots support for the Republican nominee, sought to channel $2 million […]

Yahoo News

Philippines’ President Disavows United States in Favor of China

Beijing (AFP) – Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte declared his “separation” from longstanding ally the United States in Beijing on Thursday, as he rebalances his country’s diplomacy towards China. Duterte is in China for a four-day trip seen as confirming his tilt away from Washington and towards Beijing’s sphere of influence — and its deep pockets. […]

Richard Tsong-Taatarii /Star Tribune via AP

Black Lives Matter Leader Abandons Movement

A Black Lives Matter leader in Minnesota who once led a rally chanting, “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon,” has since abandoned the movement, saying that it is “on the wrong side of history.” He attacked the organization as bad for the black community, especially on the issue of education. Shortly after defending the hateful […]