Are the US and China heading to war over the island?

Weeks after the US president warned China over Taiwan, Beijing has delivered its sternest rebuttal yet, saying it would “resolutely crush any attempt” at Taiwan’s independence. On Sunday, China’s Defence Minister General Wei Fenghe essentially accused the US of supporting the island’s independence, saying it was “violating its promise on Taiwan” and “interfering” in China’s […]


A ‘cold-blooded’ alliance? China could be a pivotal force in Russia’s war against Ukraine

CIA Director William Burns recently offered a stark assessment of the alliance between Russia and China during a high-profile hearing on Capitol Hill. It is driven by “very cold-blooded” calculations, the U.S. spy chief – a former U.S. ambassador to Russia – told lawmakers on Thursday. Chinese President Xi Jinping may be “unsettled” by Russia’s […]


China asked Russia to wait until after Olympics to invade Ukraine

Chinese officials in early February asked Russian officials to wait until the Winter Olympics in Beijing had concluded before sending troops into Ukraine, U.S. officials said, according to a report. A Western intelligence service collected the information before the invasion and the U.S. considers it credible, according to the New York Times. The intelligence reportedly […]

China Mocks Biden As “Powerless”

China has taken President Biden’s comments in Glasgow climate summit as a chance to mock the president as “powerless,” despite the absence of President Xi Jinping from the conference.   Biden spoke at the opening of the COP26 U.N. climate summit on Monday, stressing the need for “action and solidarity” while also using the moment to “apologize” for the fact “the U.S., under the […]