Fox News

Trump Sticks With Voter Fraud Claim

President Trump is sticking with his argument that millions of illegal immigrants voted in the 2016 presidential election, amid calls for him to provide proof and questions about whether he’ll indeed have an official probe into the issue. “Many people have come out and said I am right,” Trump said in an interview with Fox […]

Stephen Crowley/ The New York Times

Trump Vows To Put God Back Into Politics

WASHINGTON – President Trump vowed Thursday to overturn a law restricting political speech by tax-exempt churches, a potentially huge victory for the religious right and a gesture to his political base. Mr. Trump said his administration would “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits churches from engaging in political activity at the risk of losing […]

The New York Times

Jeff Sessions Approved As Attorney General Nominee

WASHINGTON – A divided Senate Judiciary Committee approved the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions as attorney general Wednesday, despite a fierce pushback from Democrats over President Trump’s firing this week of the Justice Department’s acting chief, who had objected to the administration’s refugee policy. The action came on a straight party-line vote, with 11 Republicans […]

Doug Mills, The New York Times

Obama Praises Protesters

WASHINGTON — Former President Barack Obama praised protesters who amassed across the country in opposition to President Donald Trump’s immigration orders, breaking his silence on political issues for the first time since leaving office. “The president fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion,” Obama’s spokesman, Kevin Lewis, […]

Getty Images

Stock Market Hurt By Immigration Ban

The messy and contentious rollout of the executive order blocking entrance for refugees and travelers from seven majority-Muslim nations has dented the stock market surge enjoyed by President Trump since his election. Ever since winning the White House in early November, Trump has ridden a wave of stock market success as investors prepared for the […]

Bryan R. Smith, Agence France Presse- Getty Images

Trump Keeps Obama’s Workplace Protections For LGBTQ’s

WASHINGTON – The White House said on Monday that President Trump would leave in place a 2014 Obama administration order that created new workplace protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the […]

Getty Images

Trump Adds Bannon To Security Council Over Joint Chiefs Of Staff

In one of three executive actions Saturday, President Trump reshuffled the National Security Council to include his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, and limited the roles of the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The memorandum makes the chief strategist a regular attendee of the principals committee, the Cabinet-level interagency forum that deals […]