Creative Touch Imaging Ltd. | NurPhoto | Getty Images

Iraq Removed From Trump’s Travel Ban List

President Donald Trump’s new immigration order will remove Iraq from the list of countries whose citizens face a temporary U.S. travel ban, U.S. officials say, citing the latest draft in circulation. Trump is expected to sign the executive order in the coming days. Four officials told The Associated Press that the decision followed pressure from […]

Matt McClain | The Washington Post | Getty Images

Ethics Office Wants White House To Punish Conway

An independent government ethics office has urged the White House to probe and potentially discipline President Donald Trump’s advisor Kellyanne Conway for comments she made supporting Ivanka Trump’s clothing line. In a letter released Tuesday, Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub told deputy White House counsel Stefan Passantino that Conway appeared to breach a […]

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

Trump’s Security Adviser Had Secret Communications With Russia

Donald Trump’s administration was warned by the justice department about national security adviser Michael Flynn’s communications with Russia, the Associated Press has reported, adding to questions about the senior aide’s future. Hours after the White House said the president was “evaluating” allegations that Flynn lied about secret communications with Russia and misled the vice-president, Mike […]

Samuel Corum | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images

Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Is Another Scam According To Bernie Sanders

Our infrastructure is collapsing, and the American people know it. Every day, they drive on roads with unforgiving potholes and over bridges that are in disrepair. They wait in traffic jams and ride in overcrowded subways. They see airports bursting at the seams. They see the need for a modern rail system. They worry that […]