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Stock Market Hurt By Immigration Ban

The messy and contentious rollout of the executive order blocking entrance for refugees and travelers from seven majority-Muslim nations has dented the stock market surge enjoyed by President Trump since his election. Ever since winning the White House in early November, Trump has ridden a wave of stock market success as investors prepared for the […]

Andrew Harrer/Getty Images

Trump Slashes Regulations On Businesses With Executive Order

President Trump signs an executive action in the Oval Office of the White House on Monday in Washington, D.C., saying he will “dramatically” reduce small business regulations overall. President Trump signed another executive order Monday morning, fulfilling another campaign pledge, this one to eliminate two federal regulations for every new regulation enacted. Trump signed the […]

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

Trump Budget Nominee Supports Cutting Medicare, Social Security

President Donald Trump’s nominee to become the nation’s budget director, Rep. Mick Mulvaney , R-S.C., defended Tuesday his support of cuts to popular entitlement programs that Trump vowed to keep intact and emphasized that he would bring a “fact-based approach” to the role. In appearances before the Senate budget and homeland security committees, Mulvaney acknowledged […]


German Automakers At Odds With Trump

It’s Germany’s turn to feel the heat after President-elect Donald Trump turned his ire on the country’s automakers, its supposed dominance of the European Union, and the failings of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policy. In a weekend interview given jointly to Germany’s biggest tabloid, Bild-Zeitung, and (somewhat incongruously), the august Times of London, Trump repeated […]

Dario Lopez-Mills / AP

Mexico Wants To Re-Negotiate Nafta With Trump As Soon As Possible

MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s new foreign relations secretary says the country isn’t only willing to negotiate changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement, it wants negotiations as soon as possible. Luis Videgaray says there’s “enormous uncertainty” following the U.S. election of Donald Trump as president. Trump has pressured companies not to move jobs to […]