Despite Trump Boasts, Job Numbers Identical To Obama

President Donald Trump on Friday flipped his approach to the government’s employment report, celebrating the kind of strong showing he dismissed as phony under President Barack Obama. The Labor Department reported that the economy created 235,000 jobs in February, above the 190,000 consensus, allowing the president to claim that business enthusiasm over his approach to […]


Heavily Armed US Marines Deployed To Syria

Several hundred marines have deployed into Syria with artillery guns, as part of the ongoing preparation for the fight to push ISIL out of its self-declared headquarters of Raqqa, a Pentagon spokesman has confirmed. The marines are pre-positioning howitzers to be ready to assist local Syrian forces, according to US officials. The deployment is temporary. […]

Fox News

Trump Blasts The FBI

President Trump, after a brief hiatus, returned to throwing Twitter bombs Friday morning to accuse his own FBI of failing to crack down on leaks – on the heels of reports about a conversation his chief of staff had with the bureau about Russia-related allegations. Reports surfaced overnight that Reince Priebus had asked a top FBI […]